MACV-2 Safety Boot
Everything we make is overbuilt to the highest standard, aka Special Forces Standards, and remains unmatched in the industry. Special Forces Standards means that our buddies must be able to take this gear to war, where life or death depends on their gear functioning. This level of attention to every little detail is why we don’t just meet the standard, but we SET the standard in making the world's toughest work boots.
The new MACV-2™ Safety Boot takes inspiration from our MACV-2 series with added features to make it ideal on a work site: a composite toe, a Dyneema puncture-resistant sole, a side zipper on the 8” boots, and they are ASTM-certified. Built for those who live hard on their feet and work even harder.
The MACV-2 Safety Boot was built to help you work in any environment. We’ve put our boots to the test and they officially meet ASTM F2412 / F2413 requirements for Impact (I), Compression (C), Electrical Hazard Resistance (EH), and Puncture Resistance (PR).
Composite Toe demonstrated a minimum interior height clearance of 0.5 in during exposure to impact energy of 75 ft-lbf.
Composite Toe demonstrated a minimum interior height clearance of 0.5 in when exposed to 2,500 lbf of compressive force.
The boot withstands the application of 18,000 volts at 60Hz for 1 minute.
When viewed at a 90° angle, the puncture-resistant device shall pass if the tip of the test pin does not visually penetrate beyond the face of the material nearest the foot, after an applied force of 270 lbf.
The Safety Boot’s composite toe is built to provide you with both, impact and compression protection. It gives you the same protection as a steel toe, but with the added benefits that it is lighter weight and won’t conduct electricity.

The Safety Boot’s sole is lined with Dyneema to make it puncture-resistant, aka nail-proof. Dyneema is insanely strong and will create a barrier between your foot and anything sharp on the ground you come into contact with. Feel confident and safe walking around any job site with every step.
You will not find any pieces of metal in our Safety Boot. That means they will not conduct heat, cold, or electricity in different environments. This is essential for all the electricians or welders that live on their feet.

The side zipper on the 8” Safety Boot is slightly curved for a smooth zip. Step in and out of your boot quickly without messing with laces. Zip up and get moving. (Exclusive to the 8” boot only.)